1. Mortification produces motivation.
2. The removal of denial allows for the entrance of accountability.
3. To promote breastfeeding.
Pre-pregnancy, I weighed 134. That was the most I had ever weighed up until that point. I'm one of those
Last October, I made the public proclamation, via FB, that I was giving myself six months to lose 20 pounds. I believe that would put me somewhere close to 130 by the time the big 3-0 rolls around. Well, I have 50 days left to make that happen. (Is everyone with me yet? Did you digest all the numbers I just served up? Like the pun I just used?)
Now I'm of the nature that in order to lose weight, I can't possibly be asked to eat less or give up pop or treats or beer. Everything's okay in moderation, right? So that leaves me with exercising. To that end, I have returned to the land of yoga. Last night, Brooke L., aka my favorite instructor, swiftly and calmly kicked my ass. I left feeling exhausted, nauseous and wishful that if we could just do savasana (corpse pose) for the entire hour next time I would be a much happier camper. However, as with almost every time I make it to yoga, I was grateful I went if for nothing more then to be able to exist within the four corners of my mat listening to some very calm music where I'm needed no where else in the world and in a studio void of judgement (aside from my own). Hopefully, when the frost lifts and Como thaws, Shawn and I will get back to running. I do actually miss running. I know, right? Me. Color me nuts but I liked working my way up to longer distances and being outdoors, moving at a reasonable (snails) pace and people watching. I still have last year's resolution to run a 5K to deal with and if you start to let these resolutions pile up, well…
Now while the scale mocks me by producing a number akin to the likes of peeps much taller, broader or more "blessed" then me, I don't particularly feel too huge. True, I'm not, but weight is all relative. I'm used to being less then I am so inevitably, my goal is to get back to where I was. It's not really the number I'm after though. It's the clothes. I would like to be able to wear at least 50% of the clothes I used to. It's just not fiscally possible for me to replace my entire wardrobe so I have to at least try and get back into what I got. I realize with the new shape of my lower half I will never again fit into my jeans. I finally got me a booty and it aint of the Jack Sparrow kind. I also realize losing pregnancy weight is a process. A line I love from A Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy says something like, it takes 10 months to put on the weight, give yourself at least 10 months to get it back off. Noted!
Now, regarding breastfeeding. After I took some time to absorb the number I was given, I realized I wasn't doing too bad considering I haven't really done an iota of exercise since the squirt was born. Therefore I attribute all pounds currently shed to Maci, water weight and nursing. The calories a woman burns simply by using her "boojies" for what they are designed for is astonishing. That coupled with the fact that it's healthier for the baby, it's FREE, it reduces the risk of cancer (which my Ma survived a couple years ago), it's FREE, it helps bonding occur between you and your offspring and it's FREE and I'm convinced I personally could never do anything else. Then again, Maci has yet to produce any teeth so ask me in a few months. I realize it just doesn't work for some people and the pain I had to endure the first week almost made me reconsider but after seven months and about 25 pounds, I'm so happy with my decision.
Now, lay it on me. Advice for women to lose 15 pounds. Shawn has the same goal and I just know that bastard and his self control is gonna whoop up on my cushy tushy but at least he can't breastfeed. That I know of.
I weigh 140. I'd like 135. Not sure if that's going to happen. However, I look better now at 140 than I did right before and some time after Ainsley was born. If you can get into your clothes, have more energy and strength, and feel better about yourself when looking in the mirror, then your good. The reason I'm okay with 140 (still aiming for 135) is because I'm a lot stronger and you already know muscle weighs more than fat. So I guess here's to reducing even more percent body fat and if the pounds go, great, if they don't, that means I have even more muscle. Good luck and just remember that!
ReplyDeleteAs my sore muscles from yoga will tell you, I'm still getting there on the strength portion, but the muscles are in fact there for the strengthening.
DeleteKali, I'm a little behind on you and I'm going on 4 years. I weighed 132 before I was pregnant and gained 55 pounds and am currently at 154..maybe 155. I haven't been weighed since before the holidays. Soo....you are doing GREAT!
ReplyDelete…but you have the pleasure of being TALL so I'm sure you're at your ideal weight because YOU look great!
DeleteLet's do a 5k this spring! I'm even planning on a 10k...believe it or not, my ocd won't let me skip a single run per week....6 miles @ a time. LOL who would have thought that! IT'S not always fun...but I have to break it down in steps. GET IN CAR...walk to door...change clothes...you get the point. Stick with it mama!
ReplyDeleteLETS!! Er, but maybe by LATE spring, early summer? I'm gonna need some training as it's been a while since I've run and I refuse to dive back in until I can run outside. You're logical breakdown slays me! I hope you're at least still drinking pop or I don't know if we can be friends anymore. HAHA!
DeleteYou look beautiful! You have a healthy, happy baby! Your body will be back...it may take till your 53 when you peek mentally but think of the possiblies! Soooooo fun to see you tonight!
ReplyDelete53, HA! Only 24 more years to go but everyone's gotta have a goal. Your wit never ceases to amaze me. It was good to see you too and we should do it more often. I miss you! Stop by whenever to see my Maci and make sure you bring your Macey along some time!
DeleteYou just so eloquently verbalized what I internally tell myself every day! I'm doing yoga at home now (too cheap to give the gov. more gas $$'s and $$'s to the gym)and lifting weights. I know muscle weighs more but I'd like to see better results quicker! I'll keep trying if you do... :)
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure eloquent and Kali have ever been uttered in the same sentence together so THANK YOU! I'm forking out the dough to go to a studio because I need all the motivation I can get!
DeleteFor shame for shame for shame. Movtivation is what I taught you so there are absolutely no excuses. How do you like that for a gentle kick in the butt.
ReplyDeleteLove ya,
P.S. that which doesn't kill you, makes you stronger (I know from experience). Sorry for getting so philosophical on ya.
ReplyDeleteP.P.S.S. Thanks for the smile honey. Your blogs always do that for me on a very bad day.
Oreos make me smile. Thus my problem. It's a vicious circle.