Monday, September 5, 2011


When Maci Mae was exactly 10 days old, my neighbor and good friend Shaina Olmanson visited our abode to professionally photograph the wee one. You should see her camera. I was drooling.

Miss Shaina has the patience of a saint, the eye of a phenominal photographer, the knowledge and experience of a mother and the calmness and ease of a professional and friend. Even though I was mortified that Maci decided to poop ALL over her beautifully white and fluffy blanket within the first five minutes of the shoot, she just wiped her little tushy, put a paper towel over the spot and moved on. No muss, no fuss. Then when Maci continued to poop and pee and poop and pee, she simply laughed, placed the diaper back on her bare bottom and held out until the peanut was empty. Then when Maci decided she just wasn't going to fall back asleep, she leisurely strolled three houses back down to her casa and told us just to give her a buzz when Maci was once again lights out and she'd run back over. I'm telling yah, she couldn't have made it any easier for these nervous rookies! Dealing with a little DeBoer is no easy task and she made it seem a breeze.

The results speak for themselves…

Below has to be one of my (sentimental) favorites. We worked SO hard to get this photo because this was just about when Maci decided she wasn't willing to cooperate for a while. She is sprawled on the quilt made of my Dad's old clothes. Specifically, she is chillin' on the zubazs! I can just see him grinning at the fact that these infamous pants live on and I can't stop grinning about the fact that now Maci will have a keepsake to remember him by. Having her makes me miss him even more then I ever thought I could so it helps to have a part of him with us both for the future. To top it off, the little fold we three share atop each of our left ears happens to show in the photo. Okay, I must stop, before I cry. Again.

The following photos were sort of accidental. We hadn't even planned on trying to get the boys in any shots with the sleeping beauty for fear of it being an impossible mission. Oh what a little cheese, some crazy parents and a quick photographer can accomplish! Now that I see them I feel lucky we gave it a shot because they are priceless! Check out Leo's tongue…

Now, I try not to play favorites with my boys but Norman holds a special place in my heart. He will forever be my first puppy love and my heart melts like the chocolate of his eyes every time he nuzzles in to cuddle with me. He is my old soul and this is my favorite, favorite, favorite, favorite photo. Favorite.

Shaina was amazing. Have I said that yet? I highly recommend her skeelz to whoever may be interested and can't wait to hopefully wrangle her into a few more sessions as Maci gets older. Thank you lady! It's annoying how amazing you are. By the way, did I mention she also cooks? And writes about it? And is phenominal at both? Overachiever…



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