Sunday, July 24, 2011


Miss Maci Mae has been home for almost a week now. While I haven't gotten around to blogging the "birthing story" I at least found time to upload some photos. I should report though that she is already above her birth weight and continues to eat like a champ. I also need to report, or reiterate, how much of a saving grace it has been to have Shawn home during all this. In case you hadn't heard, he got a job the day before I went into labor therefore he will continue to be home until he starts his new gig August 22nd. Talk about timing. Okay, I promise, more to come, but for now, enjoy some photos.

Post Breakfast

Toga! Toga! Toga!

Father/Daughter Bonding

Sportin the Comb Over

What's Up Doc?


Chillaxin on Dad's Lap

Uber Chillaxin on Dad's Lap

Primo Uber Chillaxin on Dad's Lap

She Takes a Pacifier. AMEN.

Polite Little Lady

Leo's Sniffer Suspects Something New

First Nap in Da Crib

Chipotle Carnitas Burrito

Down and Give Me 10!


  1. I can't believe how tiny she looks when she is chillin' with her Dad! So precious.

  2. Beautiful Beautiful That's all I got!!

  3. She is so darned cute!! Congratulations again, they always say a baby that sleeps with their arms above their head is a happy baby...Good Job!!!!!

  4. So beautiful!!! I'm so happy for you guys! I know Paul felt extremely blessed to be able to be around for the first few weeks when Lexi was born. Shawn will love the family time!!

  5. She's about as big as the Chipolte burrito I had before we visited.

    She's much cuter than a burrito though. You two did well. Very well.

  6. Adorable! My fav is Maci bundled up burrito syle from up high in the crib...very artsy! dd

  7. She is such a pretty baby! Love the pictures and love the captions!



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