Monday, May 23, 2011


And the winner of the first Team DeBoer Challenge is… thanks to… and no I didn't rig anything so this is totally on the honesty up and up… Mr. H!

His comment was as follows:
Mr. H said... Reward... Hmm... How about you come visit CF!!!

Well, we will be in the great southern state of Iowa the weekend of June 4th for a wedding reception so maybe we could arrange a visit. If not, I know the perfect backup gift. Something valued at $10. Something from March. Something that's long overdue. *wink, wink*

On a serious note, a very, very sincere thank you to everyone who became a follower, recruited other followers, obliged my silly selfishness and helped me reach my goal of 50 followers! I hope the number continues to climb but in order for that to happen, I may need to be a wee bit more consistent posting. Along those lines, expect much to come. Much more then just Cletus news and updates… Team DeBoer news and updates and even scarier, opinions, randomness and just good ole fashioned cynicism. Feel free to continue to comment; I love reading your thoughts about my thoughts about others thoughts. It's unnecessary banter that keeps life interesting…

By the way, purely random, has anyone read any good books lately? Or more specifically, has anyone read Daughters of the Revolution? I stumbled upon the title and synopsis the other day while I was perusing the O magazine and waiting for my painting to be finished framing at Michaels. It sounded so good I made up a little diddy in my head so I would remember the title. Stupid prego brain anyway.


  1. Was your little diddy this one?
    "So you daughters of the revolution, you know..."

    just wondering. I love -

    love to ALL the boys in deBoerville -- and cletus (who I am secretly thinking MAY be a little Miss DeBoer...then again, a little Mr. DeBoer would be awesome!!!)
    How long do we um....I mean YOU have to wait??

    love, me

  2. Woot woot! In the words of Charlie Sheen . . .


    And BTW, read The Hunger Games.

  3. I just got done reading "A Skeleton in God's Closet" and the sequel. I couldn't put them down. Very interesting and it made you think there you really are in your faith.



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