Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Hosts

Brad and Aubrey Rager were kind enough to not only put us up for 4 nights and 5 days, but they were gracious hosts that fed us, guided us, carpooled us to the northern parts of The Netherlands and all around showed us a good time. I'll tell you what, they could write a book (or blog) on any of the following:

Baking (especially peanut butter bars - pronounce "bars" with a Minnesota accent for emphasis and then repeat)

Driving (especially when guided by a TomTom commentated by Sean Connery - "shaken not stirred")

Beer (especially, what I believed to be, Belgian beer - which should never be combined with seafood pizza)

Patience (especially with two very naive travelers on their first European adventure - who happened to email with pre-vacation questions daily)

Speed Walking (especially when late for Mass - Team DeBoer was dragging tail compared to them)

Advice (especially figuring out the planes, trains and finding things on foot)

Flowers (especially when they're tulips; beautiful spring tulips arranged for our arrival - see photo below)

We can't thank them enough but hopefully we'll see them again soon when they're back in the states!

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