Here she is, striking a pose in her new clothes. Note, Mandi was there too. See her? She (and baby Cletus) are in the background, sitting on the sofa.
I call this one, "Bed Head", a la Ainsley. Notice the nice color on the wall and how it compliments the lovely fireplace? I think I forgot to mention it, but we ended up painting the living room all the same color as the accent wall - Saucy (pronounced saw-say) Gold. That's a whole other story, and blog! And I'm too bitter yet to talk about it.
Here she is with the first member of Team DeBoer, Norman. After a hyper start, these two hit it off and were great friends by the time she left. Norman misses her. Norman needs a buddy.
Yes, I put a picture of me on here. I know. Just divert your attention to the cute kid in the front. Hey, her chin looks familiar?!
And for the big finale, here she is with her Uncle DeBoer. Aaawww, I know. On a funny note, check out Shawn showing off his left bulging bicep. Niiiice!
Wow. She's adorable. So are Shawn's arms. Does he know his sleeves fell off in that last pic?