…my house will be clean again.
…laundry will not contain garments soiled in bodily fluids.
…I'll be able to stay up later then 9pm and sleep in later then 6am.
…we'll have "fun money" again.
…I'll have more clothes that don't have holes then do.
…we'll have more then five minutes to eat.
…I'll get the trim of those last two windows painted.
…we'll finish that basement.
…the girls' imagination will occupy them for hours at a time.
…I'll have time to exercise.
…we'll create those photo books.
…I'll learn to operate my camera to it's fullest potential.
…we'll pay off those student loans.
…I won't have to time anything around an electric pump.
…the girls will be able to do their own hair.
…I'll get through all those Real Simple magazines.
…everyone in our house will sleep through the night.
…everyone in our house will be healthy at the same time.
…I'll blog more often.
But for now, for now I'll enjoy these people. Two tiny people I kinda really love, ironically created by two not-so-tiny people I kinda really dig as well.