Baby Ivy, as Mae Mo likes to refer to her, is pushing six weeks old so it's high time I bombard the blogging world with a little o'photo montage. Before that though, you need to know the following:
Ivy is a cool, calm and collected customer until she gets hungry, at which point, she then turns into a pterodactyl. (Side note: Did you know pterodactyl started with a P?!)
She always, always burps twice after nursing and has therefore earned the nickname "two-burps-McGee" from her Mama.
Between the hours of 5-8am, she can be found beside our bed in her bassinet, grunting. To that end, she is the gassiest baby I have ever met and her plumbing is top notch.
She is the perfect addition to our family. To quote the cliché, it's like she's always been here. She just … fits.
She has a sister that luh-uves to kiss and hug (and pull and prod) her and is quite the eager beaver when it comes to helping take care of her. I completely expect them to be BFFs in the near future, you know, as long as Maci doesn't squish her before then.
Finally, we lovingly refer to her as a big pig. Her stats will explain why and for fun, I've included her "big" sisters for comparison. Ha!
Maci Newborn
Weight: 6# (10%)
Height: 19.5" (50%)
Head: 13.25" (25%)
Ivy Newborn
Weight: 8#8oz (90%)
Height: 21.5" (>98%)
Head: 14.25" (96%)
Maci 1-Month
Weight: 9#1oz (50%)
Height: 21" (50%)
Head: 14.5" (50%)
Ivy 1-Month
Weight: 10#12oz (90%)
Height: 22" (90%)
Head: 15.25" (93%)
And now, without further adieu, zee photo montage.
Sleeping Beauty |
Post-Bath Numero Uno |
Story Time |
Touchdown Gophers! |
Sleeping Banana |
"Oooooohhhhh buddy!" |
A day in the park. |
This is what happens when Dad doesn't comb her hair after a bath:
Bed Head |
Schnoozing … again. |
Tummy Time |
Single-fistin' it. |
Big Chipotle Carnitas Burrito |
Zoom View |
Hello Gorgeous |
Aerial View |
Booty View |
We took the girls (SO weird to say that) to Minnehaha Falls a couple weekends ago and after hoofing it down the hundreds of stairs to the bottom of the falls, Maci, on her own accord, walked right over to Ivy's seat, pointed and said, "Look Ivy, waterfall!" (And then my heart melted.)
Waterfall Watching |
First 4th of July parade … clearly entertained. |
Last weekend Daddy took Maci for a 5K run around Como. To show support, Ivy and I hung out lake-side. We read, we talked, we chillaxed.
Said Chillaxing |
The weekend the power went out, we spent a LOT of time in the car traveling to this place and that, this restaurant and that restaurant. It was a loooooong, tiresome time but it wasn't without it's moments of peace … and quiet.
Car Cat Nappin' |